Sunday, 6 October 2013

Film Synopsis - Familiar (Thriller/Horror)

A family (mum, dad and 8 year old animal loving daughter) move into a lonely old country house formally inhabited by a sinister reclusive old lady who had been found dead at the bottom of the stairs some years previously. While playing in the large overgrown garden, the girl glimpses a black cat. Over a few weeks she befriends it and wants to adopt it. The parents believe the cat's  a stray but never actually see it. A local farmer tells the parents that the old lady had been generally mistrusted by the neighbourhood. He tells them that her cat caused her death by tripping her on the stairs and was found sitting on the dead woman's chest happily licking its paws before tearing off into the cross-roads, close to the house, and being run over by a truck. The parents begin to suspect that the cat is a malign influence as the little girl becomes more distant from them. The cat becomes an obsession with her and playfully lures her into various dangerous situations. From the kitchen window the parents see her walking towards the cross-roads as if she is following something but they can't see what it is.